Since our foundation in the early 1980s, we have oriented our Research & Development policy towards the creation of highly innovative products, based on careful analysis of clinical needs and market trends. Today, we are a truly global company, the epitome of Made in Italy around the world. Our headquarters are located in Genoa (Italy), and we maintain a presence in around 100 countries.
The Esaote Group has over 1,250 employees
20% of whom are engaged in Research & Development
a sector in which it has always invested 10-12% of its revenues.
Our company, which boasts collaborations with clinical and scientific research centers and universities around the world, has received numerous awards for our performance in terms of innovation, investments in research, human capital and technology, and also for the extraordinary design of our products.
We have joined the United Nations Global Compact, launching an internal path to promote a culture of sustainability, enhance human capital, ensure health and safety in the workplace, increase people’s well-being, reduce environmental impact, and invest in Research & Development for a sustainable, resilient and durable ecosystem.

Health with care
We are integral members of a large community, where we hold the belief that “care” should be a shared concern among all the people who work and collaborate with us - from employees to doctors, from patients to technology partners. Each individual contributes to our collective growth, providing fresh perspectives and transforming complexity into simplicity.

Since our inception, we have worked tirelessly to understand and meet the most important diagnostic needs in ultrasound. The focus is on delivering clinical images with accuracy and precision, meeting the needs of physicians and improving the quality of diagnoses to enhance patients’ quality of life. Our expertise in ultrasound technology spans across all medical domains, offering a diverse range of products tailored to specific clinical requirements. From general imaging to cardiovascular ultrasound, from women’s health to interventional, we provide a comprehensive selection of advanced devices aiming at providing sharp images for clear diagnosis and intuitive workflow to increase efficiency and productivity.

Magnetic Resonance
Our innovative MRI scanners, including Dedicated and Whole-Body systems, are designed with unique features such as ease of use, low operating costs, open magnet, and ergonomic design. Our long-term experience developing specific dedicated MRI scanners ensures a comfortable experience for all patients and faster exams. Our research and development activities are driven by customer needs, allowing us to respond effectively to the latest market demands and expectations.

Healthcare IT
Ebit is an Esaote Group company focused on the development of diagnostic imaging software solutions. With a patient-centric approach, a vision of high-quality services, and a commitment to cost reduction, Ebit aims to support healthcare professionals with streamlined digital workflows, advanced clinical applications, and effective integration of all software and modalities, to improve multidisciplinary healthcare services and data sharing across the territory by simplifying information mobility and telemedicine challenges.

From installation onwards. At your side, always
Our mission is to protect and maximize the performance of your system while increasing the profitability of your investment. Our commitment delivers a precise and through after-sales service and support of the equipment that ensures maximum functionality, allowing the customers, which are always at the center of our attention, to plan their daily activities in conditions of absolute tranquillity.
MyLab is a trademark of Esaote S.p.A. MyLab™Share is not a Medical Device Software and it is not intended for diagnostic purposes. SUITESTENSA™ is a trademark of EBIT s.r.l. SUITESTENSA™ complies with MDR 2017/745, art. 120 and subsequent amendments as per Regulation (EU) 2023/607. Android® is a registered trademark of Google. Technology and features are device/configuration-dependent. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Information might refer to products or modalities not yet approved in all countries. Product images are for illustrative purposes only. For further details, please contact your Esaote sales representative.