A group of engineers, a clear vision, and 40 years of innovation
Esaote's experience has spanned 40 years of Italian history and has become part of a path of growth in which the world has recognized the importance of Made in Italy thinking, including in the medical sector.
Founded in 1982, when creating a company dedicated to non-invasive diagnostic imaging in Italy appeared to be mission impossible, Esaote now plays an active role in transformation taking place worldwide, which is witnessing the transition from the concept of healthcare to the broader concept of well-being.

As a result of its perennial style of innovation, this company has been the subject of interest from various players in the healthcare market, in a succession of changes implemented over time to grow and evolve that have never distracted the company from its values.
Esaote now forms part of the borderless revolution that is seeing the strongest players in high-tech enter the world of healthcare, but at the same time it guarantees the preservation of the human aspect, demonstrated in the attention to relationships (including between machine and user) that characterizes the Italian Way. A journey that is now valued more than ever, precisely because it is made up of history.
In over 40 years, a great deal has changed, but not the spirit that animates us: the same attention to exploring new frontiers between science and technology.

Why the name “Esaote”?
Our name is an acronym: ESA stands for Elsag-Selenia-Ansaldo and represents the Genoese soul of the group. Conversely, OTE means Officine Toscane Elettromeccaniche (Tuscany Electromechanical Workshops), the Florence-based company that was merged soon after with the biomedical division of Esacontrol, giving rise to Esaote Biomedica.
Today, while maintaining its name and values, Esaote is a global multinational company.
- 1982
Esaote Born inside Ansaldo (IRI Finmeccanica Group), a state-owned company.
- 1983-1988
Ansaldo internal division becomes part of EsaControl. This new company grew rapidly by merging with the Florence company OTE Biomedica.
- 1992
Internationalisation preocess starts. First acquisition in the USA (Biosound).
- 1994
Esaote becomes a private company through an innovative Management Buy-Out.
- 1996 - 2003
Esaote was listed on the Milan Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq in New York, then delisted in 2003.
- 2006
2nd MBO with leading financials groups: a new company created by financial investors – Intesa Sanpaolo SpA, IMI Investimenti SpA, Tower 7 sarl, MPS Venture SGR SpA – and the managers of the Esaote Group launched another management buyout.
- 2009
3rd MBO with new investors: Ares Life Sciences – a private equity fund specializing in investments in the biomedical and healthcare sectors – acquired 40% of Esaote's share capital. The remaining 60% is still held by the same shareholders and by Esaote management.
- 2018
Change of Esaote's ownership: the company acquired by a Consortium of leading Chinese investors. The Consortium is composed of major companies in the medical and healthcare technology sectors as well as investment funds with significant experience in this field
- 2019 - 2022
To cope with the new scenarios dictated by the pandemic, the e-shop, Esaote's new e-commerce, the Academy, and various digital initiatives dedicated to new talents and healthcare professionals are born.
- 2021 - 2022
Esaote joined the UN Global Compact and reinforced its actions in the field of sustainability.
- 2023
Esaote S.p.A. and Ebit s.r.l. have obtained the Gender Equality Certification in Italy. This confirms its commitment to the well-being of individuals and the creation of a serene and respectful work environment.