Weight-bearing MRI

As well as our unique technologies bridged the gap between traditional supine MRI and orthostatic and whole-body imaging, offering our patients a streamlined continuity of care "all in one place", we have constantly expanded our portfolio of Weight-bearing MRI educational resources with the purpose to offer radiologists a great opportunity of accessing "all in one place" training qualified materials to broaden diagnostic potentials and capabilities to improve patient treatment and outcome.
Following our revolutionary approach in doing MRI in a different way, with the introduction of tilting and open MRI, our contribution to Weight-bearing MRI education includes MRI webinars, clinical documentation, tutorials and user guides, all dedicated specifically to Weight-Bearing MRI. Don't miss this great opportunity to benefit from selected educational resources about latest developments in WB MRI techniques and methodologies to make significant progress in exam optimization, from patient setup to the acquired images.

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Q-Spine, the next step in MRI spine analysis

AgilExam, enhanced throughput, consistent quality.

Esaote brings G-Scan Brio MRI to the U.K.

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