Connected by diversity
Every day we see how biology works: an organism is able to function because its parts are capable of interacting with each other independently of the single element, but also precisely because of that single element, which has its own diversity.
This is also the case in everyday work. Inclusiveness is not a decision, but a natural consequence of working towards quality.
The more points of view and experiences there are in the Esaote community, the simpler and more targeted work will be for all of us, and the more consistent it will be with the needs of a society with complex health needs. A collaborative company culture does not only involve different functions, but is also made up of different life experiences, which are connected through work, engaging in dialogue that is respectful of diversity. This is what makes us all equal and special.

Barrier-free opportunities
Anyone who works with us or aspires to do so should be offered the same opportunities for employment and career advancement. The selection of personnel and career advancement play a crucial role in Esaote’s inclusion policies. Unconscious biases and lack of neutrality can threaten the impartiality of processes by putting some people at a disadvantage and, as a result, depriving the company of valuable contributions.
This is why we place great emphasis on work-life balance and intergenerational dialogue and collaboration:

A matter of balance
A healthy work-life balance contributes to people’s well-being, improves the corporate climate, and offers more privileges to those who work with us. We aim to ensure a healthy work-life balance by implementing specific corporate welfare measures, promoting remote work, and offering everyone the option of part-time employment. Over the last few years, the number of women in our company has steadily increased.

Generations learn through dialogue
Age is a diversity factor that is not always given due consideration. In keeping with our general approach to diversity and inclusion, we firmly believe that bringing different age groups together is an advantage, not a hindrance. In fact, we encourage intergenerational dialogue and collaboration, drawing on the extensive experience of our people and taking into account their demands for innovation.