Neuroimaging MRI

Neuroimaging MRI - or brain imaging MRI - provides useful clinical information on a variety of conditions related to the brain and the neurologic system: tumors, strokes, aneurysms, neurological disorders and trauma can be evaluated effectively.

MRI nowadays represents a crucial instrument for the assessment of neurologic pathologies thanks to its capability to image healthy and pathological tissues with different contrasts.
Generally speaking, neuro MRI at low field is performed mainly for screening purposes and the first investigation of common cerebral diseases, such as trauma, headache, and cognitive impairment. Diffusion imaging and Angiographic sequences provide an extra value, even at low fields, enriching the diagnostic capabilities in the same compact and tolerable setting.

Neuroimaging MRI
  • Enhance the impact of Neurological Disorders
    Esaote systems ensure efficient and timely diagnostic evaluations for a comprehensive evaluation beyond basic assessments.
  • Patient-Friendly Design
    Open configuration that minimizes claustrophobia, particularly beneficial for patients prone to anxiety.
  • Patient-friendly atmosphere with Open MRI
    Open MRI design fosters a patient-friendly setting, alleviating claustrophobia, simplifying positioning and promoting patient cooperation.
  • Safety and Accessibility Focus
    Low-field MRI enhances safety but also widens accessibility, making the MRI setting more comfortable and open to all people engaged in sports.

MRI examination

Brain MRI is performed with a dedicated brain coil specifically designed by Esaote. The transparent coil structure reduces the claustrophobia effect and improves the tolerability of the patient during the examination. A routine basic examination usually involves the execution of T1 and T2 weighted sequences plus the FLAIR (Fluid Attenuation Inversion Recovery) sequence; contrast media management is offered by the User Interface.

The head examination can then be enhanced by using DWI and Angiographic sequences to investigate specific pathologies. The Magnifico Open whole-body MRI system, can proficiently image the head in high anatomical detail in a comfortable setting supporting the clinician in the diagnostic process.

Low-field MRI brain examination

Low-field MRI brain examination

Generally speaking, low-field systems are used for screening purposes and the first investigation of common cerebral diseases, such as trauma, headache, and cognitive impairment. Even at low field, Diffusion imaging and Angiographic sequences provide an extra value enriching the diagnostic capabilities in the same compact and tolerable setting.


Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) is a fundamental sequence to detect brain tumors, their classification and grading and monitoring. On Magnifico Open, Esaote implemented the DWI sequence with line scan technology1: this technique is based on spin echo sequences and has reduced susceptibility to static field inhomogeneities than echo planar imaging (EPI). In addition, it does not require enhanced gradient hardware and offers easy installation and reduced power consumption. 

DWI provides important clinical value especially in the assessment of Cerebral Infarction and Stroke, Neoplasia, Emphysema, Toxic and Demyelinating pathologies.

TOF sequences

TOF sequences

Time of Flight angiography (TOF) is aimed at visualizing flow within vessels, even without contrast injection (MRA). 2D TOF is more sensitive to slow flow and it is more useful to assess long vessels whilst 3D TOF usually is preferred in the study of tortuous vessels (I.e. Circle of Willis)3. These sequences are crucial in the assessment of several conditions such as intracranial aneurysm and vascular stenosis.

The Time-Of-Flight (TOF) effect in MRI arises due to the blood flow between the RF pulses. The TOF effects in gradient-echo imaging appear as a signal hyperintensity due to the in-flow of fresh blood that has not experienced any prior RF pulses. Nonetheless, Esaote implemented innovative techniques to increase the image resolution and decrease sensitivity to the effects of flow saturation. The User Interface also includes Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP) software to proficiently reconstruct MR Angiograms detail vascular area of interest.


  1. MRI Exam-Specific Parameters: Head and Neck Module (Revised 4-6-2022)
  2. Drake-Pérez, M., Boto, J., Fitsiori, A. et al. Clinical applications of diffusion weighted imaging in neuroradiology. Insights Imaging; 9, 535–547 (2018).
  3. Gudbjartsson, H., Maier, S.E., Mulkern, R.V., Mórocz, I.Á., Patz, S. and Jolesz, F.A. (1996), Line scan diffusion imaging. Magn. Reson. Med., 36: 509 519.
  4. D. Saloner; The AAPM/RSNA physics tutorial for residents. An introduction to MR angiography; RadioGraphics 1995 15:2, 453-465
  5. Castillo, M., Camilo Márquez, J. and José Medina, F. (2014). Time-of-Flight Magnetic Resonance Angiography (TOF MRA) and MRV: Clinical Applications. In Vascular Imaging of the Central Nervous System (eds J.N. Ramalho and M. Castillo).

Related system for Neuroimaging

Technology and features are system/configuration dependent. Specifications subject to change without notice. Information might refer to products or modalities not yet approved in all countries. Product images are for illustrative purposes only.
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