Compliance & Ethics - Code of Conduct
Since Esaote’s company philosophy is based on ethical principles and on the pursuit of the corporate purpose in observance with the laws in force, Esaote developed a Code of Conduct.
Corporate bodies, employees and all the people cooperating in pursuing in any way the company’s aims must observe the values set out in the Code of Conduct.
Model of Organisation, Management and Control ex D.Lgs 231
The Model is an organizational and management tool aimed at preventing unlawful acts provided for by Legislative Decree 231/01. First adopted in 2004 and subsequently amended and integrated, it constitutes a formal, valid, and effective corporate document within the Company's organizational structure.
COP - Communication on Progress
Esaote S.p.A. supports the UN’s Ten Principles and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030. By recognizing its values in them, the Group is actively committed to their implementation in its sphere of influence.

By signing up to the UN Global Compact, Esaote S.p.A. has decided to take a step further: to declare its commitment to an inclusive and sustainable economic model. At the same time, it has committed to implementing and encouraging – within its own sphere of influence – the social and ecological standards set out in the Ten Principles.
The Communication on Progress Report demonstrates that Esaote intends to actively integrate and continue to promote the fundamental principles of the UN Global Compact in its strategic vision, as well as in the day-to-day operations of the Company. Esaote would like to thank everyone who is supporting this initiative and sharing their efforts to do so.
Anti-Corruption Compliance Program
The Management System Guidelines Anti-Corruption are the new Group policy aimed at preventing the commission of crimes of corruption.
This policy contains principles and controls aimed at ensuring the compliance of the Group’s companies/branches/offices with applicable anti-corruption laws. The purpose is therefore to create a comprehensive system of specific rules on anti-corruption which establishes not only rules and general principles but a specific adjustment of the areas most at risk and the establishment of a business function dedicated to the topic.
Esaote is inspired by a governance based on trust, transparency and integrity and encourages the cooperation of its workers and third parties for the purpose of the emergence of illicit, fraudulent or suspicious phenomena and any other irregularity or conduct that does not comply with the law and the Company's internal regulatory system.
To this end, Esaote has adopted the Procedure for the Management of Whistleblowing Reports, which becomes an integral part of the internal regulatory body envisaged by the Anti-Corruption MSG adopted by the Group, with the intention of enabling its staff and all third parties, who work directly or indirectly on behalf of Esaote, to report violations of regulatory provisions that harm the public interest or the integrity of the organization, defining the principles and rules as well as the roles and responsibilities within the whistleblowing report management process.
Esaote has also adopted an IT platform to automate and facilitate the reception and management of alerts, which can also guarantee, by computer and data encryption techniques, the confidentiality of the identity of the reporting agent, the content of the alert and its documentation.
This platform can be reached at the following link