Quality as attention to every stage in the process
Our work is one of synthesis: in order to create products that best fulfill their purposes, we must observe and listen carefully, defining priorities among the wide range of input we receive. Just like doctors, who are called upon to interpret a stream of data from a range of sources.
This is our idea of quality, which guides our decision-making, design and production, so that efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability are guaranteed at every stage.

Product quality and safety are the heart of activities at Esaote, which aspires to provide all professionals in the health sector with useful solutions to achieve the best results both in terms of efficiency and reliability of clinical performance, and of experience, not only for the doctor but also for the patient.
To ensure high standards of quality and effectiveness of its products and services, Esaote has established procedures as part of its QMS (Quality Man- agement System), monitoring its organizational adequacy and managing the regulatory aspects necessary to ensure proper compliance with current regulations and their evolution.
Quality Management Systems
All the processes are based on the strongest commitment to operational excellence through the application of recognized national and international standards for Quality Management Systems. Quality of products and processes is continuously monitored and improved to create value and contribute to the best worldwide development of clinical solutions from prevention to therapeutic applications.
The Quality Management Systems of Esaote in the world are recognized and certified by international independent certification bodies.
Our certifications
To oversee issues related to quality and environmental management, Esaote has obtained and maintains certifications, such as ISO 13485 Medical Devices Quality Management Systems, ISO 9001 Quality Management System, ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (for the Genoa Multedo and Florence plant), as well as maintaining product safety certifications such as cCSAus (Canadian Standard Association) and cNRTLus (Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory) for the Canadian and U.S. markets.