With our advanced Applications, we offer innovative tools that give additional information with respect to a standard exam improving overall diagnostic capabilities. Discover our applications Q-Spine, and True Motion.

True-Motion can be beneficial for imaging pathologies that are position or movement related and is as simple as performing a regular MRI sequence adding only a few minutes to a standard exam.
- Add extra value with the possibility of visualizing the joint in real-time movement. An added value for post-operative evaluation.
- See the unseen: For some pathologies, moving the joint might make the difference.
- Boost in sports medicine: A tool to meet the specific needs of athletes, for diagnosis without compromise.

Q-Spine is a support tool for the Visualization and Quantification of relative biomechanical modifications comparing Weight-Bearing and supine MRI spine examinations using Fast Spin Echo T2 acquisitions.
- Facilitates and simplifies the analysis of WB versus recumbent MRI by semiautomatic segmentation of the Lumbar-spine.
- Gives a numerical quantification of the relative changes.
- Reliable and coherent measurements by taking out the “human factor”.
- Enhance patient follow-up with numerical evidence.
- Improved confidence in surgery planning and diagnosis of the spine.

Computer assisted calculation of the following parameters
- Vertebral wedging
- Intervertebral Translation
- Spinal canal section
- Foramen area
- Intervertebral Angles
- Spine curvature
- Spinal canal thickness
- Listhesis Index
- Vertebral collapse