Suitestensa RT, enterprise imaging software
Enterprise Imaging

Suitestensa RT

Radiotherapy PACS and information system

SUITESTENSA RT is the PACS and information system that collects data and images of all modalities involved in the Radiotherapy workflow optimizing it for planning chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments. It includes the electronic medical record, the "Review" module for the visualization, processing and structured reporting of studies, and the PACS system for the archiving and distribution of diagnostic images.

Main features

Management of outpatient visits, admissions and treatment plans

Management of related administrative and accounting flows

PACS radiotherapy system for the collection of all related images and all modalities involved

RT plan related to references


All features

The SUITESTENSA RT’s EPR folder contains dedicated tabs and sections for the management of the radiotherapy workflow:


Patient data

First visit

Histology (x-rays, laboratory and surgical procedures, histological and cytological examinations)

Staging (anatomical representation of the stage of evolution of the tumor)

Chronology (health reasons, methods and results of diagnostic procedures performed and therapeutic protocols applied)

Radiotherapy schedules (applied treatments and techniques, pathology and priority of the tumor, CTV (clinical target volume), average contrast, request for social and health workers, request for urgent or emergency regime, definition of therapeutic, palliative and symptomatic treatment)

Chemotherapy treatment schedules

Possibility of consulting the patient's clinical-diagnostic history

Patient record and treatment planning, diary of bookings and clinical observations, scheduling, medical notes, archiving of planning data and related images.

Chemotherapy module (therapy programs), day hospital, patient follow up management

Dedicated worklists for simulation room, planning room and therapy room

Full reporting and administrative tools

Import and management of studies, tests, data and measurements from other diagnostic departments (radiology, lab analysis, pathological anatomy, etc.)

Powerful search engine, advanced data aggregation and statistical analysis functionalities for report generating activities

Teletherapy and brachytherapy

Dose calculations and measurements

Customer service

Esaote assistance real-time monitoring


We provide immediate phone assistance with rapid on-site support as needed to solve your situation.

Esaote real-time monitoring


We deliver software upgrades to maintain your investment at the current standards.

Esaote training and education


Our Specialists will train your staff to operate the software effectively.

Product details



The Manual and Instructions for Use (IFU) are included with the device delivery and can be further requested and made available, in paper format, by sending a request to

Technology and features are system/configuration dependent. Specifications subject to change without notice. Information might refer to products or modalities not yet approved in all countries. Product images are for illustrative purposes only.
For further details, please contact your Esaote sales representative.

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