Esaote Canada

At Esaote we believe technology is not truly state-of-the-art unless it serves real world needs. We understand the demands of today's clinical environments, and continue to develop MRI and ultrasound systems that are user-friendly and patient-friendly, ergonomic and affordable.

Esaote headquarters in Genoa

As part of the international Esaote Group, Esaote Canada has the support of one of the world's leading medical imaging companies to continue to develop innovative medical imaging systems, incorporating the latest technological advances.



11907 Exit Five Parkway
Fishers, IN 46037 U.S.A
Tel. +1 317 813 6000
Toll Free Ultrasound and MRI: 800-428-4374
Quick Support Esaote North-America & Canada: 800-428-4374

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