Healthcare IT solutions for Diagnostic imaging

Thanks to the consolidated experience of EBIT, a company dedicated to Healthcare Information Technology, Esaote is able to offer the most advanced and complete Healthcare IT systems and software solutions for Diagnostic imaging for the "enterprise-wide" management of the workflow in Radiology and Cardiology.

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Ebit HIT Software

Enterprise Imaging

Ebit is the Esaote’s Healthcare IT Company focused on Enterprise IT software systems for seamless integrated workflows processes in multiple departments, enterprise and regional network architectures to facilitate information sharing.

Enterprise Imaging Software

Cardiovascular Information System

Real-time Global Cardiology in a click: workflow and cost optimization, reduced time to report, better staff deployment, warehouse management. Suitestensa CVIS is the enterprise all-in-one platform for cardiovascular management.

Cardiovascular Information System Software
Suitestensa RIS, enterprise imaging software

Suitestensa RIS

SUITESTENSA RIS is the all-in-one Radiology Information System for the management of all data, examinations and images generated as part of the hospital practice: booking, analysis, reporting and distribution of data to non-radiological departments and end users.



Read and hear how your colleagues improved their Heart Team daily work by making the workflow efficient and easily integrated into the hospital ecosystem, increasing confidence in diagnosis and keeping everything under control in SUITESTENSA CVIS/C-PACS patient centric clinical database.

Esaote Team Know-How

One of our key strengths lies in our commitment to research and development. We understand that advancements in healthcare IT softwares are crucial for improving healthcare outcomes worldwide. Hence, our team continuously works on developing cutting-edge solutions that address the evolving needs of healthcare professionals and patients alike.

Ebit Education

Ebit Education

Improved diagnostic accuracy and more efficient workflows are important clinical objectives in Radiology. The development of dedicated medical imaging tools and AI methods have a positive impact on performance and outcomes in daily clinical practice. Our educational resources will focus on the value of innovative and integrated solutions in Ultrasound, MRI and Healthcare IT for radiologists and medical practitioners with evidence from key opinion leaders.

Pie Medical Imaging

Pie Medical Imaging

Pie Medical Imaging since 1998 part of the Esaote group, provide cardiovascular image analysis solutions which assist the medical professional to improve patient treatment. Pie Medical Imaging since 1998 part of the Esaote group, provide cardiovascular image analysis solutions which assist the medical professional to improve patient treatment. For more than 20 years, Pie Medical Imaging has been dedicated to efficient and effective analysis and visualization of medical images.

Need help or support?

Do you need help choosing a product, do you want to request a maintenance service or contact the sales network? Our team is at your disposal for any type of support.

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